Thursday 2 April 2015

Module 1 - Task 1c: Audio-visual

So here you have it, my first use of audio-visual practice for BAPP! You can find it embedded below or, alternatively, follow the link to my YouTube channel for viewing:

Although this wasn’t a task I had to work half as long on as previous ones, I understand its importance in showing an understanding and competence for using Web 2.0 tools. The difficulties lied not in my ability to produce this video segment but in fact in the practicalities of keeping to the task’s objective, “a 45 second clip”.

My first thoughts were “Forty-five seconds? That’s loads of time! What could I possibly have to say that would last that long?” I wrote a short script (can you tell I’m an actor) to refer to whilst recording was taking place. This approach was not taken as a means to increase my self-confidence in front of a camera but to ensure that my thoughts and intentions were being presented in a cohesive and structured manner for viewers. My draft for the video (forgive my rough handwriting) can be viewed below.

You will notice that a lot has been cut and replaced. I could have uploaded my final draft (viewers would certainly have had a better chance reading it) but the evolution and change in its structure would have been lost which I felt was an important factor of this task. My final draft also took on more of a bullet-point form so in practice it only served myself. I felt this would lessen the chances of my delivery coming across as mechanical.
The video itself took a lot longer than anticipated. I thought I would be able to rattle off my side notes but I found myself stumbling over my words in my first few attempts. After slowing down and allowing myself to take the time necessary, I managed to get a few different takes of the video in. Upon watching them back, I realised I was clocking in way above the forty-five second mark (some of the takes a minute and a half) and began looking at points made that could be shortened or removed to meet the required time. After whittling down the information to what I felt to be the bare components needed, I felt this was more in line with the time goal. It was still clocking in over forty-five seconds, however I felt that taking away any more would only prove a disservice in expressing my impressions and intentions.

I think this task as an extension to 1a: a professional profile. When confronted with an obstacle such as a time or word-count limit, I have to work within the given parameters. The difference between them is that unlike the prior task, I have essentially failed to meet the criteria for this one. But rather than look at this task as a failure, it has actually highlighted areas of which I can choose to work upon moving forward. And so, this video will serve as a reminder for me to tackle all future tasks, when required, with as concise yet detailed communication as possible.

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