Wednesday 30 December 2015

Module 2 – Task 6c: Determining an Award Specialism Title

After much deliberation I have decided that I would like my award title to be the following:

BA (Hons) Professional Practice in Arts (Acting and Performance)

My rationale for this title stems from the way in which I approach a contextualising of professional practice. Even as a performer who has trained in the three disciplines of acting, singing and dance, I regard the first as my greatest interest and certainly the field in which I have accrued the most knowledge and understanding for practitioner research. Not only this, but in the future I wish to take up teaching, acting in particular. I feel the first half of the title caters for a recognition of acting practitioners studied as previously discussed and yet to be referenced within the upcoming inquiry. The second half of the title, ‘Performance’, is more reflective of the work being carried out within the inquiry and the BAPP programme in general. I do not wish the title to feature ’collaboration’ as this phrase could be used to describe relationships within a number of different professional fields. This could be argued for ‘Performance’ but I feel the phrase is more indicative of studies carried out within the arts sector and how individual input is affected by process of collaboration. Although I will be examining separate parties’ activity, I recognise I will be the main beneficiary for the inquiry and as such my analysis will feature an extensive detailing of my own practice. However, I hope my findings will yield worthy discussion with my peers, whether as an active performer or a prospective teacher.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tom - I think all of these phrases represent your work and the ice of the specialism in the award title. These also work well with your inquiry topic.
